John Dink, Cheap Law, and WWJD

“Cheap law weakens God’s demand for perfection, and in doing so, breathes life into… [our] quest for a righteousness of [our] own making…  It creates people of great zeal, but they lack knowledge concerning the question ‘What Would Jesus Do?’  Here is the costly answer: Jesus would do it all perfectly.  And that’s game over for you.  The Father is not grooming you to be a replacement for his beloved Son.  He is announcing that there is blessing for those who take shelter in his Beloved Son…  Therein lies the great heresy of cheap law: it is a false gospel.  It cheapens–no–it nullifies grace.”

John Dink’s post “Hallelujah, What a Savior” quoted in Tullian Tchividjian’s “One Way Love

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